Friday, August 12, 2011

Albania Tourist Attractions

Located in the Southern part of the Europe, Albania is considered to be one of the most interesting tourist destinations. This aspect makes Albania an attractive place to visit and explore.There are plenty of low-cost and budget flights available for Albania from UK. All flights land at the Mother Teresa International Airport, at Tirana, the capital of Albania.

It was 1990 when Albania become one of the best tourist destination in Europe. Good, reasonably-priced hotels are easily available in all the major cities of Albania. Albania, on the whole, is very safe to travel. Albanian Riviera stretches roughly between Vlore and Sarande in the south-west Albania. Albania is a beautiful country on the southeast of the Adriatic Sea with a vast coastline. While travelling to Albania, you will be able to experience and enjoy the Mediterranean way of life. Albania is a great place to visit with its beautiful landscapes and coastal lines. Albania has a great coastal line along with the Adriatic Sea and it is surrounded by many beautiful beaches such as Velopja and Shen Gjni in northern Albania.

The biggest and most attractive beach of Albania is the Durres and Golem Beach. Albania is becoming popular destination for pleasure travelers because of the high quality of sand beaches it contains.There is a wide range of lagoons on the Albanian coast. The Loanian coast of Albania is also very popular with the great picturesque scenes and tranquility it offers to the tourists. The beaches at the Ionian coast of Albania are quite famous for water sports and diving activities like scuba diving, spearfishing, and surfing and parasailing. Beach volleyball is another game that can be enjoyed at the beaches of Albania in a greatly enticing manner. Albania is just a small country on the southeast of Adriatic Sea. Albania also suffered many years of dictatorship.

The largest portion of the Albania Coast occupies the Adriatic Sea. And many beautiful beaches surround it. The Velipoja and Shen Gjini are two main target beaches of the people in northern Albania.The "Durres and Golem Beach" is the biggest beach in the place. The Albania Coast also has wide range of lagoons. This coast provides wide possibilities of diving activities. If the Ionian Coast is good for diving opportunities, the Albanian coast offers wide range of sport activities. They offer activities like swimming, sailing, and strolling. Another remarkable sport in this coast is the beach volley. This coast is a part of the other places that organizes international activities, like the Beach Valley International Tournament. The island of Sazan and beach of Dhermi also offers such activities. Though there are other places in the Albania Coast that offers fishing, this river is the first and for most places for fishing.

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