Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Australian Tourist Attractions

Tourists are spoiled for choice when they come to this wide, brown land looking for the best Australian tourist attractions. Australian attractions range from specific Australian wildlife nature parks through to marvellous mountain scenery such as the Three Sisters in the Blue Mountains.

The Jenolan Caves in the Blue Mountains of New South Wales are another scenic Australian tourist attraction. Travel in Australia to various Australia attractions is full of fun as the country has numerous attractive beaches, hill stations, architectural wonders, sky scrappers, etc.

Australia has a quaint history of creating big public artworks named after - and resembling - local fruits, vegetables, animals, historical figures and everyday objects. Other big fruit artworks include the Big Apple (Donnybrook, Western Australia) and the Big Pineapple (Nambour, Queensland). Big animal artworks include the Big Merino (Goulburn, NSW), the Big Lobster (Kingston, South Australia), the Big Bull (Wauchope, NSW), and - up in Australia's far north - the Big Crocodile (Jabiru, Northern Territory).

Historical figures given the big treatment include the Big Ned Kelly, a monument commemorating Australia's most famous outlaw (Glenrowan, Victoria), and the Big Captain Cook (Cairns, Queensland). The Big Banana, for example, offers, apart from a free walk-through of the Big Banana statue, an interesting "banana experience" theater that gives visitors a quite detailed, if brief, introduction to bananas and the banana industry. Perhaps the real question should be: are these "big statue" attractions accurate portrayals of Australia's industries, historical events, and everyday life - or merely glamorized, sanitized and commercialised versions of the reality? The oldest area of Sydney, The Rocks is located at the foot of Sydney Harbour Bridge and on the western shores of Sydney Cove.

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